Take a second to place yourself in the shoes of that kid in class who is not able to clear an exam even after appearing twice or thrice for it. One can’t imagine what he would go through every time the report card shows red marks. A struggling entrepreneur goes through a similar phase when he/she is in the league to build a business born from his/her dreams and aspirations. There will be so many times when you will have to face society when things are not going as smoothly in your entrepreneurial journey as you probably thought they would. All that matters in such trying times is how you perceive things and react to them. In fact, your alter ego will also start questioning you and most people tend to give up at that trigger point. So if you are currently experiencing a struggling time trying to achieve your dreams but are submerged in self-doubt, this article is for you. Delve in and we are sure you will end up being as motivated as ever!
Take a read through the points below to look at the brighter side of everything and reinstate the belief that you can do it.
The best way to acknowledge your achievements so far is by remembering how it all started in the first place. That feeling of nostalgia would be enough to give an instant drive for you to keep going ahead. Remind yourself about the reason you wanted to build a business empire and it will be all worth it.
The biggest human problem is underestimating yourself and suppressing your capabilities. If you look down upon yourself, how can you expect the world to look up to you? Appreciate and embrace yourself for all the hardships you have successfully overcome to reach here and you will regain your confidence.
One simple root cause of self-doubt is that we take too much burden on our shoulders, often more than what we can possibly achieve. It is wise and practical to set goals that are doable and achievable in accordance with your skills and potential. If you surround yourself with an overabundance of unrealistic targets, you will end up questioning your self-worth.
The right kind of people will lift your spirits even in your most trying times and will help you bounce back stronger to pursue your dreams. You certainly don’t want to be in the company of judgmental and negative individuals who add to your self-doubt.
It is time to get rid of the societal stigma around judging each other. You naturally don’t have the superpower to control people from judging you. But you can certainly choose to turn a deaf ear to unnecessary judgments that shake your confidence level.
The best things come hard and your entrepreneurial venture is just another trial of yours, friend. Take things slow at a comfortable pace and don’t be harsh on yourself for not being able to achieve something. We are all trying to get somewhere and the journey is never over until you announce it is done. So let’s raise a toast to all the aspiring entrepreneurs out there, you will make it!